COVID19 Policy

We are committed to the protection of the health, safety and welfare of workers and others when in the workplace


United Commercial Refrigeration P/L (U.C.R) is committed to the protection of the health, safety and welfare of workers and others when in the workplace. The organisation commits to implementing practices that minimise the risk of cross contamination.

A novel (new) strain of coronavirus which originated in Hubei Province, China in 2019 can cause a respiratory disease called COVID-19. U.C.R and workers will identify and manage work health and safety risks including the exposure to COVID-19. U.C.R will respond to cases of COVID-19 at work in line with advice provided by Australian Government Department of


COVID-19 spreads from person to person in a similar way to the flu:

  • from close contact with an infected person;
  • from touching objects or surfaces contaminated by the sneeze, cough or contact with an infected person and then touching your eyes, nose or

COVID-19 can cause symptoms similar to the flu, including fever, cough, sore throat, tiredness or shortness of breath. Most people who are infected experience mild to moderate symptoms from which they fully recover. However, some people develop more serious illness with pneumonia and other complications. People at increased risk of serious illness include the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart and lung disease) or a weakened immune system.

It is important to remember that most people who become ill with respiratory symptoms at work are likely suffering from a cold, the flu or other respiratory illness – not COVID-19.

To achieve a safe working environment, the following hygiene practices will be implemented:

  • Social distancing (staying more than 5m away from others)
  • Effective handwashing;
  • Hygienic cleaning techniques;
  • Safe handling and disposal of

This policy will be modified and / or updated when and where appropriate based on consultation with workers and advice provided by Australian Government Department of Health


This policy applies across all departments of Company Name and across all workplaces under this organisations control, including subcontractors and visitors to the workplace.


United Commercial Refrigeration P/L

  • Inform and encourage all workers to download and use the official Government “Coronavirus Australia” app to stay informed;
  • Make sure social distancing measures are carried out and enforced;
  • Provide hand washing facilities and make sure these are kept clean, properly stocked and in good working order;
  • Provide alcohol-based hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes, tissues and cleaning supplies;
  • Promote good hygiene practices, g. display posters on handwashing and respiratory hygiene;
  • Keep the workplace clean and hygienic. Regularly cleaning and sanitising high-touch surfaces such as door handles and workstations to prevent contamination;
  • Visit the Smartraveller website before arranging business travel to destinations with cases of Covid-19. Workers who become sick while travelling or after returning from affected areas should seek immediate medical advice and notify their employer;
  • Encourage workers who are sick with respiratory illness to stay home until they are recovered;
  • If someone becomes ill with respiratory symptoms at work, arrange for the person to be sent home and advise them to seek medical If required, call an ambulance;
  • If a worker is confirmed to have COVID-19, contact the Australian Government Department of Health for advice. Inform co-workers about possible exposure to COVID-19 but maintain confidentiality. Advise workers to seek immediate medical advice if they develop symptoms or are concerned about their health.

Workers, Subcontractors and Suppliers must:

  • Download and use the official Government “Coronavirus Australia” app to stay informed;
  • Practice good hygiene to protect their own health and the health and safety of other persons in the workplace;
  • Maintain social distancing when at work and travelling to and from work;
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser;
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing, dispose of tissues immediately after use and wash your hands or apply hand sanitiser;
  • Avoid contact with anyone who has cold or flu-like symptoms;
  • Stay home if you are unwell;
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing;
  • Cooperate with Persons Conducting Business or Undertaking (PCBU) in their efforts to comply with workplace hygiene and social distancing requirements.

Failure to comply or observe with a direction regarding Work Health and Safety may be considered a breach of the terms of employment or contract and sufficient grounds for termination of employment or the contract.


Workers and others cannot go to work and must self-isolate for 14 days if they have:

  • Recently travelled to an overseas destination;
  • Been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

Workers who need to self-isolate should notify their employer and stay away from work. If they develop symptoms including a fever and cough they should seek medical advice.

Workers who think they may have been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus, should also isolate at home, monitor their health and seek medical advice if key symptoms develop. Workers should advise their employer if they develop symptoms during the self-isolation period, particularly if they have recently been in the workplace.

U.C.R will make appropriate arrangements so that workers who need to self-isolate stay away from work. Where possible, the worker may be provided with flexible work arrangements such as working from home.

Hand-Washing and Cleaning

Hand washing is the most effective way of maintaining good hygiene practices and preventing cross-contamination. Wash hands with soap (from a dispenser or pump pack) and water:

  • Before and after handling food;
  • Before eating, drinking or smoking;
  • Before and after any contact with clients g. invasive or non-invasive procedures;
  • After handling any soiled clothing or linen;
  • After using bathroom or toilet;
  • After blowing nose or coughing into tissue or other material;
  • When entering a new work

Use the following method when washing hands:

  • Remove all wrist and hand jewellery and watches;
  • Wet hands;
  • Use soap and spread over hands;
  • Rub hands vigorously as they wash for 20 seconds, cleaning palms, backs of hands, in between fingers and under finger nails;
  • Rinse hands thoroughly;
  • Pat dry hands with paper towel and turn the tap off with the paper towel;
  • Dispose of hand towel in

Cleaning and Sanitising Surfaces

During all hours of operation, visually, and physically inspect all surfaces of equipment, workstations and any other high touch surfaces to ensure they are clean. Wash, rinse, and sanitise surfaces regularly.

Make sure workers wear gloves and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser before and after wearing gloves to minimise the risk of infection.

If cleaning rooms or areas of the workplace where a person with a confirmed case of coronavirus, or a person in isolation has frequented, workers should wear a surgical mask as an added precaution. If a confirmed case of coronavirus or a person in isolation is in a room that cleaning staff need to enter, they may ask them to put on a surgical mask if they have one available.

Personal Protective Equipment

PPE should be worn by:

  • People with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 as advised by their doctor or Department of
  • People who have been in close contact with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 (e.g. healthcare workers).

PPE guidance for specific industries is available at

Surgical masks can help prevent the spread of disease from infected people to others but are not currently recommended for healthy members of the public to prevent COVID-19.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands we operate on and pay our respects to their Elders, past present and emerging.